M2 was invited to Sunday school by a friend this past May. I went with M2 & M3 a few times in May & June & then the program took a summer hiatus. The program resumed in September & we've been going since then.
During the children's Sunday school there is an English service, which by the attendance is probably geared for the 'youths'. I have been attending this service for a couple of months.
A wise person recently told me that she is not religious but she believes in God & believes there is power in prayer. I didn't understand how that could be. She explained that churches/pastors/clery preach an interpretation of God's word. When she says she is 'not religious' she means she doesn't necessarily follow all the teachings of her church. But she does believe in God & the power He has to influence everything around us. She said to me that her Bible, her God, teaches her to be kind, & caring, & loving to everyone. Be grateful & thankful. Be tolerant & do not judge. So easy to say, but so difficult to practice everyday.
This wise lady also told me a true story of the Dalai Lama. He was approached at a religious conference he was a speaker at and asked (and I'm paraphrasing here): "What is the best/truest religion?". The person was probably expecting an answer along the lines of Buddism as that is what the Dalai Lama practices. Instead the Dalai Lama answered: ' It is the religion that brings you closest to God'.
I've always believed that religion & faith are very personal. It is journey that no one can really plan for you & sometimes even difficult to explain or talk about. It is a journey between you & your God. Sure, there may be family, friends, clergy, that can guide you along the way, inspire you, cheer you on; but in the end it is your own walk along the beach, your own marathon to run, your own mountain to climb.