Two weeks ago a great man passed away. He lived almost 80 great years.
It may not seem like it, but he has influenced my life like no other man has. You see, he exemplified what a father, husband, brother, grandfather should be. My husband is the man he is because he was taught about love and responsibility by this great man. He made sacrifices for the people he loved - and not just for his children, but his wife, his siblings, his grandchildren, his daughter-in-laws, and son-in-laws. This is what I witnessed for the past 24 years. Watching him made me want to be a better daughter, daughter-in-law, wife and mother.
I lived with this great man for almost 15 years. And although we had our differences which we debated over many times, I learned many lessons from him. My children are better people having lived with him their entire lives. The respect my children have for their family, the compassion they show towards the sick and elderly, and the love they have for each other - these things cannot be overtly taught. My children learned invaluable lessons everyday and they also learn by the examples this man set.
I have told my children not to be sad. Not to dwell on death. I tell my children that dying is sad no matter what the circumstances, and where there is a beginning, there will always be an end. Yes, sometimes the end is sooner than we envisioned or hoped for, but it is still inevitable. I hope my children will remember the many happy times, the many life lessons, the loud laughter and the quiet moments we all shared. And if it is any solace to my girls he died just the way he wanted to - peacefully at home surrounded by the people he loved most.
His funeral was a celebration of his life. There were photographs and music. There were emotional words from the Big Oh. There was lighthearted reflection from Uncle Pepe. There were over 200 people in attendance followed by a buffet. I know my father-in-law enjoyed a good family gathering/party and I think he would have been very happy seeing us on that day.