Tuesday, August 7, 2018

A Few Good Men

I’ve thought about my funeral.
I’ve even talked about it with The Big Oh & my kids.
Not really in specific terms but more hypothetically speaking.
I know my friends & family will cry.  They will be sad.  Sad that I’m no longer here.  Sad for what could have been.

But I hope amongst the sadness & tears there will be happy memories.  There will be smiles & a sense of satisfaction that I made it so far.

There is one very specific thing that I’ve thought about for my funeral.  I have thought about who my pall-bearers would be.  I have been fortunate to know a few good men.  Of course one of them is The Big Oh.  He’s not perfect by far, but he’s perfect for me.  And I know our girls love him with the admiration & respect he deserves.   My daughters have many uncles & aunts from both my side & their dad’s side of the family.  But when the time comes there are 5 very special men that I hope my daughters see by my side.  They have never just been “Uncle So-And-So” .  They are so much more than that.  They are my brothers.  They are my children’s surrogate-fathers.   They’ve listened to The Big Oh & I complain.  They’ve held back their tears & stayed strong for us when we’ve broken down and cried.   These men have all helped hold our family together when it felt like our world was ending.   When my girls look up at these men I hope they see the kindness, strength, patience, honour and love they possess.   These men have set the bar high - examples to my children of what a friend, brother, husband and father should be.  And I hope one day my girls will be as lucky as I am to have a few good men in their lives too.
