Friday, September 27, 2019


How do you talk to a dying person?  The conversations don’t have to be full of tears, missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, or regrets.  Sometimes silence is comforting.

Pain doesn’t need to always be acknowledged - it can be understood without words.  What comforts me the most is hearing how life goes on in-spite of all that is happening in my little cocoon because in the end isn’t that what we all want?   We want to know that even if we are not here, the people we love will continue to move forward and seize their opportunities.  They will continue to dream big and do everything possible to fulfill them.   They will love harder and live with more conviction and count their blessings everyday


Tuesday, September 10, 2019


From a young age we are all conditioned to think about and plan for our future.  Even as early as primary school when you get those assignments that ask you to complete the sentence, “When I grow up I want to be...”  we are already told to dream big and anything is possible.  As we leave childhood and enter our teenage years the days of dreaming to be a princess or a rock star make way for more practical vocations like say, an accountant or a teacher.   Life is always about thinking, planning, and dreaming ahead.

When I was younger I was full of ideas of what kind of working career I wanted.  When I was dating in my early twenties I would ponder if each potential candidate would make a good life-partner.  And when I found THE ONE (yes, The Big Oh) my head was filled will all the possibilities our future would hold.  Now that I have children my dreams, my future, are almost always in the context of their dreams and their future, and what role can I play in it.

But “Life” has a mind of it’s own.   My life, my dreams, and my future has been turned upside down, turned inside out, and thrown around so much over the last few years that I’ve lost my sense of direction.  Most days I don’t know whether I’m moving forward, falling down, or at a standstill.  

September to me marks a new year more so than January in many ways.   The kids start a new grade, new teachers, even a new school.   A new dance season starts.  I’m back to organizing and purging all  the summer clothes to make way for the fall and winter ones.  And it’s just a logical time to de-clutter and tidy my home.  So during this week I have been doing all that plus helping my children move forward with their busy lives - talking and listening to them tell me about all the new things they are planning for this year - and fortunately I haven’t had much time to dwell on my own stagnant life. Through their excitement, their plans and their dreams, I can see so much potential in them and I am able to see a beautiful future - regardless of whether I am in it or not.  And that makes me happy.

So for those of you who got thrown a curveball, fell off the wagon, hit a bump, or in the middle of your own whirlwind; for those of you who may have to re-think the path you are taking, or may even had your dreams shattered; look for your inspiration to continue to dream for a (new) beautiful future.
