Saturday, August 16, 2014

Fresh Intensive Dance Workshop

I went to a dance work shop this weekend with M2. It was really fun. Well, some of the classes were; some I didn’t really like because they were a bit weird. If I could rank the classes I would rank,
1. Improv. I liked improve. It was my favourite because we got to be crazy and it was teaching us dynamics like when we were walking around the room we could choose our path, direction, speed and height.
2. Contemporary combo. I liked it because we first got to do improv and dance whatever we want. Then we did a combo to let it go and it was really fun.
3. Jazz. I liked jazz because they were all really easy moves but the teacher was treating us like babies.
4. Jazz. This is another jazz that I did but it was more musical theater and it wasn’t me at all, it was like a broadway show.
5. Hip hop. I liked hip hop because it was fun and it wasn’t too hard and it wasn’t too easy. I also liked it because we had a dance battle.
6. Jumps and turns. I liked jumps and turns because we got to do our favourite jumps across the floor. I didn’t like the turns because I wasn’t used to the preparation, but my mom says to try new things.
7. Lyrical. I liked lyrical because the combo was fun. But I didn’t like it because it was partner work and I was partners with someone I didn’t even know.
8. Group improv. I liked it because we got to copy one another, but what I didn’t like was that my group was mostly 6 year olds and they wouldn’t let me have a turn.
9. Contemporary tech. I liked it because it was new and it seemed fun, until the dance part. The choreography was so hard!
10. Ballroom. I liked it because we got to learn it but I thought it would be like dancing with the stars ballroom.
11. Floorwork. I didn’t like it because our teacher was a bit weird and she said we were babies and at one point she said “I’m so proud of you, you can finally walk!
Well, I really liked the workshop and I’ll probably go back next year.


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