Friday, June 26, 2015

Let The Summer Begin

Yesterday was the last day of school.  My 3 kids are officially off until September 8th and it's time for me to plan activities, outings, summer camps, & play dates.

I am fortunate that my kids actually want to do 'school work' so for the last few summers I have bought work books for them to do to reinforce what they have learned during the school year.  They also love reading.  M1 read the Harry Potter series last summer and right now she is reading the Percy Jackson series.  M2 has been visiting the library regularly & M3 has started reading simple picture books on her own.  I have already asked them to re-start writing on this blog & have given them some topics to write about - they should be starting very soon - stay tuned!

But it's not just about working their brains - they love sports & playing outdoors too.  They will be outside everyday - lately the kids have taken to ball hockey.  M1 & M2 have asked us to explain how baseball is played.  And they love riding their bikes around the block which I have just recently let them do without my supervision.  Of course there will be a few visits to the community pools & M1 and M2 will take a couple of conditioning classes a week throughout the summer to keep their bodies limber for the upcoming dance seasons.

This year we are trying a new summer school/camp for two weeks.   For another two weeks my older two will be volunteering at their dance studio while the youngest one takes a week-long dance camp.  And as usual, there is a week of 'dance boot camp' to end the summer off.

Although we don't have major travel plans for the summer, there will be our annual Canada's Wonderland day, play dates at friends & cousins, perhaps a trip 'downtown', a family wedding,  and cow-fu's baby shower (he's expecting twins!).   Looking at my calendar, practically all our weekends are already filled in!

I am so ready for the summer to begin!

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