Monday, August 14, 2017

Being Bored Is Good For You

It is already 2 weeks into August and the summer is winding down for us.

Our last 3 summers seemed to follow a similar pattern.  July has been reserved for camps while August is our lazy month - a time for the kids to have nothing scheduled, to learn to amuse themselves and to be bored.  Please don't ask me to do anything with you - go figure it out yourselves!

I am embracing the whole idea of kids needing to be bored. The kids are learning how to be bored and then figuring out how NOT to be bored ON THEIR OWN.  M1 & M2 are getting the hang of it.  They'll find TV shows to watch, they'll read, look up crafts on the internet to do, and go out to ride their bikes or play basketball.  I've even allowed M1 to make her own plans with her friends to meet up at the neighbourhood park - and I have to admit I'm enjoying the freedom it gives me and the independence & responsibility it gives her.  We're still working on M3 - she'll have her moments where she can play on her own, but of course she'd much rather have us play a board game with her, do crafts together, or just keep her company.

We haven't really "vacationed" during the last 3 summers.  Other than last year when we spent 4 days in our nation's capital, we've been doing a lot of local day trips.  This year is really no different, except that we have booked a local hotel for a few nights later this month; a true "staycation" - hopefully there will be a blog or two on that later in the month.

And me?  I continue to focus on my weekly appointments & monthly check-ups.  There are bad days, and worst days, but there are still goods days in between.  My family, my support system, is stronger than ever.  Even my best friends, some who have had their own family, health, & work challenges to deal with this year, continue to check in on me & my family, send thoughtful messages & texts, think of us, and pray for us - as I am doing for them.  We really do need each other - in the best, healthiest, most positive way possible!


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