Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Everything

There is this piece from The New York Times I have had saved for a while now (You May Want To Marry My Husband) and although I knew what the gist of the article was about, I was afraid to read it.  Today I read it.  And before I lose my nerve I am going to write my own take on it.  It may help to read the article first.

This is my Big Oh

First the basics.  He's 5 foot 8.  I wouldn't say he's good looking, but not ugly either.  Actually, a lot of old Chinese ladies (think grandmas - including mine) have said he's very handsome - a geriatric chick-magnet.  He always seems to have a haircut that's just not quite right (I guess he's gotta stop going to those $8 cuts at Chinese strip plazas).  And in photographs his head always tilts slightly to the left.  To me, he is perfect.

When he is not at work his wardrobe consists mostly of t-shirts and sweats decorated with Superheroes, Star Wars, or hockey logos   - some older than I care to share.   He owns one pair of jeans that fit properly.  He only goes shopping for work shirts and dress pants if one gets stained or ripped.  But I love his casualness - we go well together as I'm a yoga pants/sweatpants, T-shirt kind of girl at home.   And my "going-out" clothes?  Well let's just say he has commented that I dress like my grandmother (not a compliment).

He loves Canto-pop music from the 70's and 80's (and so do I).  He knows almost all the lyrics from Air Supply's Greatest Hits album.  Currently his music repertoire consists of anything his daughters are dancing or listening to.  Did I mention yet what an amazing father he is?

He is blessed with 3 daughters so instead of being a hockey-dad he's a dance-dad.  A role he has embraced and is not embarrassed to show - just ask his daughters when he starts coaching them on their dance routines or busting out some dance moves (cue eye rolls here).

Other awesome attributes?  He is funny (and I don't mean looking) & witty - he makes people laugh sometimes at his own expense (but usually at others).  His friendship is loyal and generous - you know he's got your back, and when he does something for you it'll never be because he's thinking "what's in it for me".  He is passionate - just get him talking about hockey, politics, or his family and you'll know what I mean.

Of course I can't talk about The Big Oh without mentioning his family.   Yes, it comes with the package but I like to think of them as a bonus.

If you read The New York Times piece above you'll know how the article ends.  I'm not sure how to end my blog today; I'm not sure I even want to write an ending... Except to say to The Big Oh: I love you and thank you for being my everything.



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