Today I am going to write about the Christmas holiday that is coming up in three days. I love Christmas because you get to see family members and you have a party. You get presents at Christmas, and even though you get presents on your birthday, you get much more at Christmas time. I feel like you get more presents on Christmas than your birthday because I see a lot of extended family members at Christmas time, and on my birthday I only see my immediate. Every Christmas I have a party at my house on Christmas Day and my uncle makes special pancakes. I only get his pancakes once a year. We also do a Secret Santa with my cousins and if you don't know how it works it goes like this: you each pick a name out of a bag and whoever you get you buy a present for them. We also have a winter break from school for the holiday. My family and I take lots of pictures. I am super excited for Christmas. 😃
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