Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Burn The House Down?

The past few days my family has been dealing with a very stressful situation at home (which had nothing to do with my ongoing health problems, thank goodness).  As my children (and The Big Oh ) are freaking out I am trying to explain (convince) to them there are two immediate ways of looking at this problem.   One way is to panic and get upset & angry and think “Why does all the shit happen to me?  Why aren’t we getting a break? And why is god making my life so difficult?”   - All of these said by various members of my family at some point over the weekend.  I guess this would be the normal reaction under our circumstances.

I decided to attack this problem differently.   You see, I already have a terrible terminal disease.  What can be worse than that?  And even with unpromising test after test, and knowing my body is slowly deteriorating, I am still getting up everyday.  I can still talk to my children while I make breakfast & pack their lunches.  I am up & alert when they come home and tell me about their school day.  I can comb their long beautiful hair out for them before we tell bedtime stories & go to sleep.  Considering all that I’ve, WE’VE, been through there is nothing we can’t handle and fix together!  So the last few days has been a military-like methodical approach to fix our problem and get back to normal.  And finally yesterday night we were able to breathe a little easier knowing that we are on the right track and everything will be back to normal soon.

The last few days we’ve talked about resilience.  How each of us deals with problems, and how we “bounce back” from them.   We’ve talked about empathy - how we have treated others in the same situation, and how we are being treated now.  We talked about educating ourselves and knowing what are facts and what are urban myths or unnecessary hysterical behaviour - all of which we experienced in a mere 48 hours.

So whatever else’s in store for my family - BRING IT ON!


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