This past Monday was M1's high school graduation. I didn't think it would be emotional for me, but it was. I came to the realization that my little girl is growing up. I guess with her getting her driver's license, preparing for university (I might be in for more emotional ups and downs in a couple of months), and applying for summer jobs, I have been getting little doses of her growing up. But it sometimes takes these milestones for the moment to really hit you. Then there's always that tinge of sadness that YC isn't sitting beside me as our daughter walks across the stage to receive her diploma. It's supposed to get easier but I'll let you know when I get there.
This was the school's first in-person graduation ceremony in two years. So I would have thought the production would have been better. There were close to 400 graduating students and the ceremony took place in the school's gym, with a make-shift stage. The stage was small - only had the principal, two vice-principals, two trustees, and two emcees. There was a small table for awards. The music was pre-recorded by the school band - not live. Perhaps they could have tried to get a bigger venue. M1's Grade 8 graduation had the school band performing live - ironically, in this high school (but there were a lot less students).
Nevertheless, the students enjoyed it, as they should. It was their night. It was a huge milestone in their lives. And given that they had two years of on-and-off pandemic lockdowns, I think they were all really happy to be together with their classmates to experience this ceremony in person. M1 had some friends over before the ceremony to take pictures in our backyard.
A nice moment was M1 winning the Principal's Award - for academic achievement (she is an Ontario Scholar) and exhibiting potential and responsibility. Congratulations M1! Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you.
Big Oh
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