Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Harry Potter

It was about 14 years ago when I first read Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone.  I can't say I discovered it on my own before all the hype - in fact, my copy is part of a box set which includes the first 3 books so I was probably introduced to it because I wanted to see/read what the big deal was about.  But after reading the first book I remember totally being  a part of the whole Pottermania deal.  As a reader in my mid-twenties at that time, I remember being really excited about the books.  I remember the feeling of joy, anticipation and just plain fun when reading and talking about the books.  I just had to tell as many people as I could about Harry Potter - I credit myself for turning my then 8 year old niece into a Pottermaniac (which has lasted into her twenties). I was sad when I read the very last page of Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows - I think I was in Harry Potter withdrawal for days!  The Harry Potter books represent to me a time in my life when I was crossing the bridge from my carefree teenage/early-twenties years into adulthood and along with that came all the adult responsibilities.  I had recently gotten married and bought our first home, I had a steady job and was paying bills. But whenever I got a new Harry Potter book (and even the days/weeks before a release) I would revert to child-like excitment.  I would talk non-stop about it.  I would devour the book and then re-read it immediately afterwards in case I missed some small detail.  Since then I have read many more great books that have touched me, made me think, and even made me cry.  But I have not gotten the same "Harry Potter Feeling" again.

This summer I hope to have M1 start reading Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone.  If she'd like, I'll even read it to her and M2.  Or she may want to discover it on her own.  Fortunately she loves to read - I'd love to see what kind of experience she has with these books - a child's perspective.  And if I'm lucky enough I may get to share in her joy & excitement in meeting Harry Potter for the first time.


1 comment:

  1. Forever grateful for you introducing me to HP :) Potterhead for life <3. Btw, great job with the blog !
