Is it so bad to not want to play with your children?
Most days I just want to sit and read and write. But my 5 year old has other ideas.
It is almost half-way thru the summer and my children have only had 5 days of 1/2 day camp so far - and that's all I planned for the month of July. I thought I could handle it. One month. Only a month of all 3 kids at home, should be easy, right?
Today I already made a board game with my 5 year old. She said she would like to save it to play with her dad tonight (I swear I didn't convince her on that one). But she is already getting restless and it isn't even 5:00pm yet. Still another couple of hours before daddy gets home.
I've set a time limit or an activity limit on my 5 year old. There's only so much reading, colouring, playing house, or dolls, or board games, I can do in a day. One activity before lunch and one in the evening before bed. Afternoons are MY time.
There are times I feel guilty about the lack of attention I give my children - particularly the youngest one. But really, how many parents out there can be 100% there 100% of the time? How many can be honest and say "That's enough - I can't do anymore."? I look at my child now as I am typing away. She is playing on her own. Talking to herself and her toys. She is fine.
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