Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Coupon Book

Today is YC’s and my 25-year wedding anniversary and I want to share with you one of our dating habits.

A few weeks ago we were in Collingwood for M2’s dance competition and I had a chicken salad sandwich.  It’s something I haven’t eaten in many years and it reminded me of a chicken salad sandwich I used to get from the Bagel Stop by our condo when YC and I were first married.  That reminded me of how we used to choose places to eat at when we went on dates.

Have you heard of the Entertainment coupon book?  I think it’s still around today but maybe it’s an app now.  It’s a book of coupons that generally give you BOGO deals.  It had fast food, casual restaurants, fine dining, golf, bowling, skiing, and other activities I can’t remember.  My company sold this book for about $30 and I would get one every year (coupons were valid for one year).  It’s a pretty good price, if you use it.

So when YC and I were dating, we would often choose a place from the book.  She liked to choose a different place each time because she loved to try new restaurants and different types of food.  Being with YC definitely broadened my palate.  Before dating YC, I had very simple tastes.  I never had Japanese food nor Thai food.  Even when I went to a Chinese restaurant, I would get beef and vegetables with rice – likely one of the most boring meals on the menu.

Through the coupon book, we found a nice Japanese restaurant near Scarborough Town Center and a good Thai place around Avenue Road and Lawrence Avenue.  I don’t remember the name of either place and they’re probably not there anymore.  The Japanese restaurant had really good tempura and the Thai restaurant was memorable because they gave a complimentary basket of shrimp chips.

For casual dining, there was a card that came with the purchase of the book and when you presented the card, you would get the BOGO offer.  For the fine dining restaurants, you could only use the coupon once a year.  We would choose a different fine dining place to go to each year.  I remember we went to a good restaurant in a hotel once for brunch.  YC was always excited each year when I brought home the book to see what fine dining restaurants were available.

After we had children we didn’t go out to eat as often so I stopped buying the book but I was reminded of it, as I said earlier, because of the chicken salad sandwich.  When we were newlyweds we lived in a condo at Bay and Wellesley and beside our condo was a Bagel Stop.  YC and I liked to have breakfast there occasionally before work.  She liked bagels a lot and even though I wasn’t crazy about them, I was there to use the coupon book.  (I had a crazy habit of keeping track how much we saved on the second meal each time we used a coupon.  This way I could calculate the rate of return on my $30 investment for the year.  Just another crazy quirk of mine that YC tolerated.)  What I did enjoy there was their chicken salad sandwich, which I would get if we went at lunch time.  And that’s what I was reminded of when I had that chicken salad sandwich a few weeks ago.

There are still things that happen and I guess there will always be things that will remind me of YC and all the experiences we had together.  Sure, these moments will make me sad for a short time, but I’m learning to remember the fondness of the experiences.  YC, my love, I know you will enjoy the memories of us flipping through the coupon book looking for restaurants to try and then venturing out for a nice night on the town.  Happy Anniversary.

Big Oh

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