Thursday, July 4, 2024

Graduation #4

The last Wednesday in June was M2's high school graduation.  It's a big milestone in many teenagers' lives as it signifies the first step into adulthood.  M2 is a very responsible and a serious person so I think she is ready for this next step.  She always finished her homework, completed her tests, and she graduated with a 90+ average.  Now she needs to develop her softer skills - like socializing and conversational skills.

M2 got off to a rocky start in high school (as did the rest of her grade) because she started during the COVID lockdown when schooling was on-line.  She told me it was difficult to make friends when school started in-person again.  There were people she knew from her elementary school but there were so many more from other schools.  She does have a small group of friends she hangs out with and went to the prom with.  I'm also hoping her interactions at her dance studio, where she is more outgoing, will help her socially.

Back to the ceremony - it was at the same high school as M1's two years ago and the setup was pretty much the same - a makeshift stage in the gym.  I guess that was the only place in the school big enough to hold the ~400 graduates and their families.  I went back to read my blog about M1's graduation - I mentioned how I was sad that YC was not beside me and I would let you know when it gets easier.  Well, it was easier this time.  All events and experiences for the first time without her are difficult.  But with more experiences, I learn to prepare myself so it does get easier.  I remind myself that she is watching with me and she doesn't want me to be sad.  YC is happy with me for M2 reaching this important milestone in her life.  When M2 walks across the stage to receive her diploma, YC is smiling and clapping with me.  M2, Mommy and Daddy are very proud of you.  Congraduations!  (Three's Company reference.)

Big Oh

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