Saturday, July 13, 2024

Florida Trip: Day 2 - A Little Bit of Everything

Day 2

M2's only dance on this day was at 11:15 AM and the general rule is to be there 2 hours before to rehearse and in case there are scheduling changes.  So M2 got up at 7:45 to do her hair and make-up and have a quick breakfast.  I took her to the venue around 9:00 and there was so much traffic with people going to Disney.  After dropping M2 off, I came back to pick up M3, Uncle Kaka and Auntie Sally.

Today's dance was a trio, and a particularly emotional one.  These 3 girls have been dancing together since they were 10 years-old and now it's their graduating season.  They won their category which had 6 dances competing.  But they did not place in the top ten for overall Senior (age 15-17) duets/trios.

After the dance, we went to Sam's Club to pick up groceries and also had lunch there.  Auntie Sally was going to cook several dinners for us during the stay so we wouldn't have to eat out all the time.

I don't know if it's the extreme heat (almost 40 degrees Celsius) but we were all tired in the afternoon.  So M2, M3, and I all took a nap.  Then we went swimming in the pool for a little while with Uncle Kaka to cool down.  Good thing the pool was enclosed because there was a lizard climbing on the fence.

Then we went to play air hockey and foosball in the game room, but there was no Wii!  There was an older Nintendo system though, and M2 played on that for a bit.  Did we bring the Wii games and controllers for nothing?

After dinner M3 and I played cards and watched TV while M2 did some research for her university next year.

It was a nice start to our vacation.  We did a little bit of everything - dancing, shopping, napping, swimming, playing games, watching TV - just relaxing, like a vacation should be.

Big Oh

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