Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Canada Day Holiday - Day 4

I've been home for 2 days and I finally have time to sit and write about our last day in Ottawa.  Even a "mini" vacation requires 2 days to recuperate (and to do laundry).

On our fourth and final day in Ottawa we met up with some friends for brunch.  It was nice to try a "local" restaurant and not something touristy.  The restaurant was called "Pressed" and their specialty was waffles.  Everything on the brunch menu came with waffles and it was pretty good.  Give it a try the next time you are in the capital.


After brunch we headed back to the Royal Canadian Mint. We tried to get in yesterday but the tours were all booked so we made a reservation for today.  We picked up a couple of items at the gift store but neither was for ourselves.  One was a special Star Trek coin for Uncle P.   The tour turned out to be M2 and Big Oh's favorite part of the weekend.  Unfortunately, because it was a Sunday, there was no one working so we couldn't see firsthand the making of some of the coins. 

After the tour  were ready to head on home.  The first half of the drive went relatively smoothly but about half way home our travelling speed went from 100km on a major highway to about 40km!  What we didn't account for was the number of people, like ourselves, coming home from a long weekend at the cottage or from a vacation.  The drive that would have normally taken just over 4 hours became a 7 hour drive home!  Luckily the kids were troopers and weren't whiny at all.

Whenever we go on vacation we always ask the kids what their favorite part/event was and they will ask us.  My answer is always the same.  My favorite part is just spending time with them, not having to plan meals or cook, not having to follow a schedule and just relaxing.  And most of all, my favorite part of any vacation is coming home!


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