Thursday, August 4, 2016

Making Friends

This morning M3 didn't want to go to summer camp.  It's only been two days.  She said she is not having any fun.  She hasn't made any friends yet.

My children are not naturally outgoing, talkative, social kids.  They need time to warm up.  They don't share their ideas or join in conversations easily with new people.  I know this and I encourage them to take it slowly at a pace they are comfortable with. 

When M2 was in grades 1 & 2 I remember M1 complaining to me that her sister would follow her around at lunch and recess.  M2 would want to play and hang out with her big sister's friends - which didn't bode well with M1.  Poor M2 would tell me she didn't have any friends.  Or she couldn't find her friends.  Or that her friends were already playing with someone else/another group.  I remember those two years when I would gently persuade M2 to seek out kids in her class to play with.  I went out of my way to host play dates so my child could get to know her friends better.  And it didn't help that her birthday is in the middle of August so it was always difficult to get her friends together for a party.  All I could do was encourage her, and remind her what a friendly, kind person she is and that one day she will have her own group of close friends.  Entering grade 5 this year, I am happy to say that she has a wonderful group of friends and she is no longer the shy, quiet, girl...She speaks up, and has been praised by her teachers on her ability to be inclusive and take a leadership role in class.

I feel a sense a deja vu with M3 already....but I'm older, less patient, I have less energy.  I hope I can give M3 the same reassurance and encouragement I gave M2.


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